What does "Be Faithful and Attentive" Mean?

In the Book “Be Faithful and Attentive”, a Handbook for Living in the Divine Will there is a quotation from  the Book of Heaven.

February 13, 1923 The good of being faithful and attentive.
I felt all afflicted, and my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me: “My daughter, courage, be faithful and attentive to Me, because faithfulness and attentiveness produce equality of humors in the soul, forming one single humor and establishing perfect peace; and this peace renders her dominator, in such a way that she does whatever she wants, and reaches wherever she wants. Especially for one who lives in my Will, it happens as to the sun – it never changes, one is its act: to unleash light and heat from its sphere. It does not do something today, and something else tomorrow; it is always faithful and constant in doing the same thing. But while one is its act, as this act descends and hits the surface of the earth, how many different acts do not take place? They are almost innumerable. If it finds a flower half-closed, with the kiss of its light and with its heat, it opens it and gives it color and fragrance. If it finds a fruit unripe, it matures it and gives it sweetness. If it finds fields that are green, it makes them golden. If it finds air that is putrid, it purifies it with the kiss of its light. 

In sum, to all things it gives what they need for their existence on this earth, and to be able to produce the utility which things contain, and which has been established by God. So, by its faithfulness and by doing always the same thing, the sun is the fulfillment of the Divine Will over all created things. Oh! if the sun were not always equal in sending its light, how many fluctuations, how many disorders there would be on earth! And man would not be able to make any calculation, either over fields, or over plants. He would say: ‘If the sun does not send me its light and its heat, I do not know when I am supposed to harvest, nor when the fruits will mature.’

The same happens with the soul who is faithful and attentive: in my Will one is her act, but the effects are innumerable. On the other hand, if she is inconstant and inattentive, neither she nor I can make any calculation, nor establish the good that she can produce.”

How are we to be more "Faithful and Attentive" in our lives?

Being “Faithful and Attentive” is a “Divine Attitude”. Jesus repeats throughout the Book of Heaven “Be attentive!”. This means that that as we grow more proficient at living “in the Divine Will”, we are to develop a continual awareness that it is Jesus within us, in His “Real Life” that becomes the “Doer” of our entire day, our mundane activities, even our breathing and our sleeping.

The more we recalibrate our minds and our thinking so that we are living “for Jesus” and “in Jesus”, that we get out of the way and allow everything we “do” become “done by Jesus”. Jesus is the “Doer” of our day.t

And why is this so important? Because everything in the Divine Will is actualized (made real) by our desire, our intention. And in the living in the Gift of the Divine Will, if we let go of our human will and allow Jesus to “do His Will”” then our littlest, normal acts, because immense and eternal Divine Acts. And therefor, for example, Just brushing your teeth, if you intend for Jesus to “do it” contains all the Divine grace of God the Father’s great “Fiat” of creation. Why? Because a Divine Being did it.

We let Jesus walk the earth again in/through our body. This changes everything!

How we can obtain a copy of "Be Faithful and Attentive" by Robert Hart

To order a copy of “Be Faithful and Attentive”, contact:

The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will
P.O. Box 415, Jacksboro, TN 37757 — USA
Order by phone at: {423} 566-5178

And also visit their website

The Luisa Piccarreta Center for the Divine Will

Copyright © 2023 Larry Leopold, OCDS BeFaithfulandAttentive.org. All rights reserved.

While Larry is trained in aspects of spiritual direction and healing, he is not not a licensed physician, therapist, or counselor; his services do not constitute provision of medical services, health services, or psychotherapy; and no patient-provider relationship or psychotherapy services are being provided. Inner Healing is considered a form of spiritual direction, not professional counseling; clinical therapy; psychiatric, legal, or medical advice; nor is it intended to replace any of these services.